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Saturday, February 1, 2025

February Art


I sat down recently and planned out my submissions for local art. It promises to be a full year of new challenges and opportunities. Stay tuned for new postings about where to see more.

This month I will have new pieces showing at the Manitou Art Center's First Amendment Gallery and the Academy Art and Frame Company gallery in Colorado Springs. 

There will also be a few public readings of poetry coming in the next few months. I will post those closer to the time of the events. 

Here's to a great February for everyone!

M.R. Hyde

Monday, January 6, 2025

January Art & Poetry


I recently renewed my membership with the Manitou Art Center and am looking forward to participating in future shows as well as taking classes there. The Manitou Art Center's First Amendment Gallery continues through February 1. Two of my pieces are there, with one new one titled "Juvenile Jackdaw (England)". 


Academy Art and Frame Company gallery in Colorado Springs has a 20% off of everything sale through January 31! My Gnarled series is still there along with the very eclectic artists represented.  Consider the gift of art for Christmas.

Don't forget about the poetry collections now available at and other fine retailers.