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Friday, February 28, 2020

Thoughts Toward Spring

We are in the final thralls of winter in my region. Blizzards, bomb cyclones, snow squalls and general malaise from the narrow shafts of winter sun are starting to press more upon us. So, this is the time that I start ruminating on planting vegetables and longing for wonderful spring flowers. In an effort to sooth my winter soul, here are a two flower poems on my favorite indoor/outdoor bloom.

The Unplanned Snap
The unplanned snap
Of the geranium stem
Lets loose an acrid pinch.
And just as sharp
Does that fragrance peak
When snapped with pruned intent.

The Geranium's Hairy Arm

The geranium’s hairy arm
Stands out, reaching for the sun
And spreads its hand to gather all
The fractious colors in.
Then it translates to the stem 
One color for its flowers
Bursting forth on later days
In buoyant blossom bowers.

M.R. Hyde
Copyright 2020