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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Pueblo and Colorado Springs Art Shows - October


This month I was given the opportunity to showcase my art at the Fuel and Iron Food Hall - Loading Dock Gallery in Pueblo. The generous folks at this location were the sponsors of one of the awards I received at the Colorado State Fair. My mother and I ate at this location and enjoyed the meal while getting a great sense of the history of Steel City.

Below are descriptions of the pieces in the Loading Dock Gallery available to enjoy through the end of October.

This gallery is part of Pueblo's First Friday Art Walk - including the Loading Dock Gallery. Visit the more than 35 art galleries, restaurants and businesses in the Creative Corridor. All activities associated with First Friday Art Walk are free.

Also in October you can enjoy more of my artwork at the Academy Art and Frame Company gallery in Colorado Springs. There you can see some of the pieces from my Gnarled series.

The Manitou Art Center's First Amendment Gallery will feature local artists through October and November. You will be able to see two of my pieces there as well.   

And still at the Woodland Park Library hang two of my pieces, along with the wonderfully eclectic group of art of The Mountain Artists show with the theme of "Spirits of the Past". 

Loading Dock Gallery Art (Alphabetical by Title)

Bears in Grass

In the Tongass National Forest and near the Mendenhall Glacier in Alaska we encountered black bears (Ursus americanus), in particular a weary looking mother and her older cub. The National Forest Service maintains bear viewing areas and we were at a safe distance above them. I just loved the contrast of the verdant grasses and the blackness of these bears.

Psalm 50:10-11


Acrylic on Canvas



While at Rock Ledge Ranch in Colorado Springs, I observed a small bird dancing and flitting about between the legs of horses. I was encouraged by this display of fearlessness and it reminded me that no matter how big the threat around me, I can be fearless because of God’s love and leadership.

Isaiah 41:10-14


Prismacolor on Paper


Leviathan of the Prairie

While observing the mighty bison on the prairies in Badlands National Park, I was fascinated by how the grass moved like water. Wanting to depict the kind of power that moves from and around these large beasts I sought to mirror how water moved before and away from the bow of a mighty ship. In the Bible the leviathan (a curious and indecipherable creature) is so large and powerful it can only be controlled by God.

Job 40:15


Acrylic on Canvas


Mandrill at Rest

I am completely captivated by the incredible colors found in animals across the world. The male Mandrill is a often caught in photography bearing its massive canines that can grow as long as 6 centimetres. But I became fascinated by the brilliant colors on their faces. Astonishing. So rather than representing this creature's fearsome looks, I wanted to allow the viewing to be captivated by the colors. 




Mountain Storm

A challenge was issued to represent natural disasters, so I explored the phenomenon of flooding in the mountains. Each spring in the Rocky Mountains, and other areas of the world, mountain storms can cause devastation and demonstrate the mighty power of water. In this piece an elk is lunging up the mountainside trying to escape such power. 




Rams in Queue

We came upon a group of rams, some twelve to fifteen in number, on the snowy grounds of Glen Eyrie Castle in Colorado Springs. We learned from the grounds keeper that the rams gather just before rutting season in this small canyon. It brought to mind the abundant provision just waiting to be distributed to those who follow God as Abraham did.

Genesis 22:13, Philippians 4:19

Prismacolor on Paper



Rock Ledge Ranch Trinity

One of my favorite places in Colorado Springs is the historic and working site Rock Ledge Ranch next to Garden of the Gods. Here you can see traditional farm animals and experience what is was like to live in the area in the 1800s. One of my favorite animals was a Percheron named Old Dan. He passed a couple of years ago and I wanted to capture not only his gentle nature but the power of such an animal. His two companions are there still along with a Mustang. 




Sleeping Cat

Inspired by the colors and composition of one of my favorite artists, Wayne Thiebaud, I wanted to explore the various modes of sleeping that I saw in my cat Poh. I loved the late afternoon shadows cast by the chair and the cat.

Psalm 127:2

Prismacolor on Paper



They Are for War

Percheron horses were early bred to become war horses. You can see them frequently in Renaissance art carrying men decked out in military finery. Because of their size and power, they also became valuable modes of power for coaches and agriculture. In our time of Putin’s war on Ukraine, I wanted to deal with the kind of godless power that is evident in wars of such aggression. This piece is to be set in direct contrast to the piece entitled “The Power of Peace”.

Psalm 33:17,  Psalm 20:7


Prismacolor and Gold Leaf
