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Saturday, December 4, 2021

Winter Poems


Sequins on an old dress,

The last of autumn leaves,

Danced on

The ends of the branches.



The Green Doesn’t Crowd Us

The green doesn’t crowd us.

But when it turns golden

And twists and falls like a thousand swirling dervishes

In the autumn wind

It gives way to a view of the white and brilliant mountain

Through gnarled limbs

Vacant and seemingly hopeless limbs

Dormant until the green pushes back out

To embrace us in its verdant prison.


 © M.R.Hyde 2021


See artwork by M.R. Hyde on Redbubble.


Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Artwork Available for the First Time


You can now shop my artwork on Redbubble. I will posting more artwork in the days and weeks ahead. And soon there will be more writing on this blog.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Winter-Spring Transition Poems


The Struggle

Geese struggling sideways
In the winter wind
Cannot call to one another.
It is too strong.

Winter Branches

Some branches are as black as coal.
Others orange and taupe.
Then others, yet—as most of them—
Are brown and brown and browns.

All look lifeless, look cold and stiff,
Look like corpsey death.
All look like kindling ready for
A fiery fireside blaze.

Like winter branches, bleak are we,
Orange, brown and black.
We are not near to death just now
And drink in winter’s sun.

Spring Storm

Snowflakes fall
In our spring storm
Large and floating
As underwater detritus
Stirred by toes
Pushing off into deeper water.

© M.R. Hyde 2021