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Friday, April 20, 2012

"Tailor" is done! And now for something completely different . . .

I did finish "The Tailor of Suffolk Street" and if you want to know the end, let me know by commenting.  Otherwise you will need to wait until I publish an extended edition of Just Off Center, another collection of short stories available now as an e-book.  These are quirky or slightly disturbing stories and include one of my favorites "Pockets."

In the meantime, here's a little poem I recently wrote (and will probably edit for some time).  I haven't much confidence in my poetry, but I like this one so much (and so did my neighbor) that I decided to post it.


Little, white hairs--
floating, sticking,
stubbornly weaving themselves into
and out of
clothing, coats, furniture, flooring.

Little white remembrances that she is indeed
master of my home.

Little white remembrances 
in the car, at work, yes, even in an airplane.

I think that I shall never be free
of her invasive, lovely detritus.

My sweet, white cat--
as omnipresent as God.

Copyright M.R. Hyde